React Transition Replace


Getting Started


To install via npm:

# npm install react-transition-replace --save

or yarn:

# yarn add react-transition-replace

The component is intended to work with react-transition-group@2.x.x and utilises some of its components: Transition and CSSTransition.

CDN / External

Since react-transition-replace is fairly small, the overhead of including the library in your application is negligible. However, in situations where it may be useful to benefit from an external CDN when bundling, link to the following CDN:


Old NodeJS

Because of different implementation of module importing in NodeJS and lack of default imports support to use react-transiton-replace NodeJS you need to do use Common JS import:

var TransitionReplace  = require('react-transition-replace').default;

Components containing images

There is know issue with correctly transitioning components that contain responsive images. The problem comes from incorrect height of elements calculated at the time or component update. Images might not be yet loaded and the time the component that needs to be transitioned and thus can't correctly calculate the height of the whole element. Thay happens because images are being loaded after the element is inserted into the DOM tree and before that have initial height of 0.

There are few workarounds for this:

  • You can specify the width and/or height attributes on <img/> element.
  • You can preload the images and render component when that is completed. Some technique is explained here.
  • If you're dealing with responsive images which have height: auto CSS property and you know the width/height ratio, you can use this workaround. Otherwise there is a way to use media queries for srcset attribute on <img/>, which is explained here


The library is written in Typescript and thus already contains its types definitions however you need to include types definitions for react-transition-group (they are defined as peer dependency). Please refer to the definitions from Definitely Typed published as @types/react-transition-group.
